We are sisters who draw strength from the Holy Eucharist and work among the poor and needy. Our motto is LOVE, SACRIFICE and SERVICE. Our charism is Eucharistic devotion and our objective is that Jesus in the Holy Eucharist should be known, loved and adored by all and for this we take the Eucharistic Lord to the:
- Classroom through teaching
- Sick through nursing
- Disabled through love and care
- Orphans infected and affected by HIV and AIDS through motherly concern love, and care
- Marginalized through developmental programmes
- Mentally and spiritually weak through counseling and psychotherapy
- Youth through youth animation programmes
- We adore the Eucharistic Lord
- In reparation for our sins and The World
- For the needs of the church
- For the families
- For the sick
- For peace and grace from the Lord
- For the whole World
We teach in schools and colleges
- To impart moral and Christian values along with academic excellence
- To prepare them for sacraments
- To help them to develop into a whole person
- To train them as builders of the nation
We take care of the disabled children
- We love them
- We teach them
- We provide them with basic amenities
We take care of the sick
- Through dispensaries, clinics, health centers, nursing homes and hospitals
- Our resources include doctors, nurses, laboratory and X-ray technicians
We love and care the orphans infected and affected by HIV and AIDS
- Mothers to the motherless
- Friends to play with
- Teachers to learn and grow
- Guides to lead to the Forefront
- Helpers to live a life of fullness
This is our call.....what we live out.....
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. -Mark 16:15
If you are interested please contact in the following address:
Vocation Promotor
Adoration Generalate
UC College P.O, Aluva,
Kerala S. India – 683102
Or make a call to +91 0484 2670166