Perpetual Adoration centres are our chapels where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration. One hundred years back, our Founder exhorted us that each day every SABS should have a Holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament like angels in Heaven. The Sisters spend time in offering adoration, thanksgiving, praying for the salvation of all and paying reparation for the sins of the whole world. We are also invited by Bishops and parishes to start perpetual adoration in Cathedrals and parishes of various dioceses. Today, we have 96 perpetual adoration centres, where we offer continuous Eucharistic adoration, offering glory and praise to Jesus and interceding for the whole world. We help people to deepen their Catholic faith and to have God experience by encouraging them to participate in the Eucharistic celebration and adoration. The faithful realizes that Eucharist is the single solution for all the evils in this world - increasing man-made terrorisms, natural disasters, unknown diseases and also for the unending problems of poverty, consumerism, selfishness, violence etc.
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament invites us "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest and peace. ... learn from me because I am gentle and humble in heart." (Mathew: 11:28-29). Jesus loves us, Jesus understands us, Jesus listens to us on His Eucharistic throne and Jesus cares for us from the infinite depths of His Eucharistic Heart, burning with infinte Love. Jesus waits for us. Let us visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament and offer our troubles, sons and daughters, spouses, brothers and sisters, friends and grandchildren, each one before the Eucharistic Lord through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our heavenly mother to whom Jesus entrusted us at the foot of the Cross.
Join us in Prayer and Adoration as we praise and thank our Lord for His infinite love and unending blessings. Share your intentions and prayer requests to us. We shall intercede for you.
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