Education Apostolate

Education Apostolate

Our apostolate in the field of education is a call to take part in the teaching mission of the Church. True education is directed towards the development of personality, in view of the ultimate end of man. In our schools we create an atmosphere conducive to share the Eucharistic spirit and to help the evangelization process. We help our young to develop healthy personalities with higher values and to assimilate the profound qualities of Jesus Christ.
In our schools we have centres that provide guidance and counselling. We give our students appropriate sex education and find ways to save the children from social evils such as drinking, smoking, drug addiction etc.
We work towards the spiritual and temporal betterment of the families, villages and even nations through the education of girls. We conduct technical schools, hostels and institutions from nursery schools to colleges. Through these we prepare the young women to become good wives, mothers and citizens. Our Founder, The Servant of God Thomas Kurialacherry has long before written: "By renewing and bettering families, countries and localities through girl's schools, we can draw them most effectively to God".
Our sisters exhibit their excellence in the field of education by securing many awards and honours in the national and state level. Every year many of our sisters secure the Best Teacher Award, Best NSS Officer award, Model Teacher Award etc. Our schools get the Best School Award, due to the praiseworthy efforts of our sisters who run them.