Mission And Evangelization
The zeal to share Eucharistic love urges us to go for mission work in any part of the world. Taking into account the needs of the church in India and abroad, we engage in mission work. We manifest our Eucharistic life in the context of the Church's teaching, oriental spirituality, and elements of Indian culture compatible with Catholic doctrine.
With the Good News of salvation, we go to any part of the world to make the Eucharistic Lord known to all the people by our presence and ministries. We accomplish this through evangelization, corporate works of mercy, and developmental programmes. In our missionary works our preferential option is to work in the developing countries among the poor, sick, illiterate, oppressed and the needy. Sharing the fruits of our Charism, we bring them to Eucharistic Jesus, the answer to all our problems.
The congregation has houses in almost all the states of India as well as in countries like Nepal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Kenya, Tanzania, Ukraine and U.S.A. The missionary activities which started in 1965 paved the way for the sisters to start houses in all the Indian states to proclaim the good news and to make the Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by all, always and everywhere. The sisters are open to the needs of the church in India disregarding the place, race, caste and creed to offer themselves for Evangelical work. They are engaged in the field of education, healing ministry and social services of various kinds. Marvellous was the development and faster was the stride ever since 1965 as far as the congregation is concerned.
We have 6 provinces and 5 vice-provinces in mission areas, of which Sion region, East Africa is situated in the African countries of Kenya and Tanzania. About 23% of our total sisters are engaged in mission works. The dedication and commitment the sisters show in their apostolate reflect in the vocations we get from the mission areas. Our services in mission areas are mostly rendered in Mentally Challenged Schools, Old Age Homes, Orphanages, AIDS Care Centres, Juvenile Homes, Deaf and Dumb Schools etc.
Recently more importance is given to missionary works. We have dedicated sisters who have opted for global mission, and recruited candidates too who are interested are given formation with this in mind. Sisters very selflessly come forward and take up the challenges that this apostolate puts forward. The convent started in Ukraine in 2003 was taken up in a global mission perspective. We have already a region in the African continent. In the European countries too, we are engaged in Perpetual Adoration, Pastoral work, Faith Formation etc.