Healing Ministry
The main goal of our healing ministry is the proclamation of the Good News that life is worth living because it is a precious gift from God. The objective of this ministry is to respond to all those who are in need of healing in the holistic sense and to be sensitive to the needy and committed to serve the poor. We treat all human beings from conception to natural death with deep respect and care. Following the steps of the Good Samaritan, we commit ourselves to the ministry of the sick with tenderness and compassion. Seeing the Eucharistic Lord in the faces of the physically, mentally and spiritually wounded, we give them the compassionate touch of the Lord and try to help them to regain their natural health.
We make our ministry to the sick, a continuous adoration. We draw all to the Holy Eucharist, the nectar of the sick, the refuge of the weak and the bread of life, through our merciful dealings and unselfish love.
We run hospitals, dispensaries and primary health centres to take care of the sick through curative and preventive methods. We work in various capacities such as doctors, administrators, educators, nursing staff, paramedical staff such as pharmacists, Lab-Technicians, X-ray Technicians etc. We undertake this ministry regardless of caste, creed, religion and economic status by working in the hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, mobile clinics and other outreach programmes. Sisters in mission areas give much care to interior villages where medical facilities are not available at all. The sisters thus bring about healing to the sick, and give Eucharistic Love to each one of them and draw them to the Divine Savior in the Eucharist with their tenderness and care.
Sisters working in hospitals arrange blood donation camps, free medical camps, blood group determination camps, cataract detection and surgery, asthma detection camps etc for the public. We run pain and palliative care units which take care of patients infected with cancer, HIV/AIDS, those who are bed-ridden etc. Sisters organize awareness classes and extension programmes for the economically backward classes. Our sisters go to houses in parishes to dress the wounds and bath patients who have none to take care of. They prepare these patients to receive sacraments also.
We run pastoral care units attached to our hospitals, which help patients and their relatives to attain mental and spiritual health. In mission areas our sisters give awareness classes in meetings of Health Workers and Mahila Mandals. Free Medical camps, Mother and Child programmes, TB eradication programmes, Malnutrition prevention classes also are organized by us.
SABS sisters also co-operate with the entire Church in its efforts to give healing to the sick especially to the poor in the various parts of India. Sisters give health education to the people in the villages. People are given instruction concerning the prevention and care of diseases, promotion of health and first aid. They are made aware of the value of Homoeopathy, Nature care and herbal medicines and instructions are given on how to use them instead of costly allopathic medicines, which are harmful to the body.